Our Services

How can we help you?
Legal Representation
The U.S. legal system can be complicated and overwhelming — our team of experts can help you understand your rights and connect you with the appropriate immigration relief. We specialize in the most complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive cases, and we have a 95% success rate. You deserve access to high-quality services, regardless of your ability to pay.
Refugee Services
With over 100 million people displaced worldwide due to ongoing conflicts, famine, and war, the impact of global crises is felt even in Nebraska. As a top destination for immigrants and refugees, Nebraska offers affordability, job opportunities, high-quality public schools, and established communities for newcomers. Over the past decade, Nebraska has welcomed more refugees per capita than any other state.
Social Work
At LAS, our social workers are dedicated to providing comprehensive support beyond legal assistance, ensuring the well-being of our most vulnerable clients through a three-tiered model of service.
Our team is composed of professionals with firsthand experience as immigrants or children of immigrants. All services are delivered in Spanish and we use qualified interpreters if another language is needed.